Anari Sim Viewer PresentationΒΆ

Anari Sim Viewer
Anari Sim Viewer
Anari Sim Viewer (ASV) is new tool developed by Anari and it’s FREE to use.
This sim viewer is working on PyGears level of abstraction, which means signals
as: clk, rst, valid, ready will be abstracted and not visible on waveform itself.
Anari Platform Link
ASV - Graph & Waveform
● Graph (1)
β—‹ Visualizes the structure of the
gears and the channels
β—‹ Exploring the design by
navigating through the gears
β—‹ Channels can be picked from
the graph and visualized on
the waveform
● Waveform (2)
β—‹ Visualizes a channel’s
dataflow and state changes by
ASV is consisted of 2 main components:
ASV - Meaning of wave colors on waveform diagram
How to prepare your code for ASV
ASV is expecting JSON format as input, thus it’s needed to convert VCD to JSON
To do that adding line reg['debug/webviewer'] = True in code will do that.
JSON file will be in the same location as VCD file
Example of code that will generate JSON
from pygears import gear, reg
from pygears.typing import Uint
from pygears.lib import drv, collect, dreg
from pygears.sim import sim, cosim
#simulation config
reg['debug/trace'] = ['*'] #tracing all interfaces
reg['debug/webviewer'] = True #converting VCD to JSON for ASV
def add(a: Uint[4], b: Uint[4]):
return a + b | dreg #Register added for fun
def testbench():
res_list = []
drv_a = drv(t=Uint[4], seq=[4, 2])
drv_b = drv(t=Uint[4], seq=[2, 1])
add(drv_a, drv_b) \
| collect(result=res_list)