
Adds two or more Number -s. The add() gear is automatically instantiated when a “+” operator is used on two interfaces.

add(a: Number, b: Number)
add(din: Tuple[Number, Number])

Add two Number -s together:

a = drv(t=Uint[4], seq=[0, 1, 2])
b = drv(t=Uint[4], seq=[0, 1, 2])

(a + b) | check(ref=[0, 2, 4])

Divide Number -s . The div() gear is automatically instantiated when a “//” operator is used on two interfaces.

div(a: Number, b: Number)
div(din: Tuple[Number, Number])

Divide a Number by a constant:

a = drv(t=Uint[4], seq=[2, 5, 9])

(a // 3) | check(ref=[0, 1, 3])

Test whether the data from two interfaces is equal. The eq() gear is automatically instantiated when a “==” operator is used on two interfaces.

eq(a, b) → Bool
eq(din: Tuple[Any, Any]) → Bool

Compare if two values are equal:

a = drv(t=Uint[4], seq=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
b = drv(t=Uint[4], seq=[4, 4, 4, 4, 4])

(a == b) | check(ref=[False, False, False, True, False])

Test whether a Number from one interface is greater then a Number from the other. The gt() gear is automatically instantiated when a “>” operator is used on two interfaces.

gt(a: Number, b: Number)
gt(din: Tuple[Number, Number])

Compare if one value is greater than the other:

a = drv(t=Uint[4], seq=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
b = drv(t=Uint[4], seq=[4, 4, 4, 4, 4])

(a > b) | check(ref=[False, False, False, False, True])

Test whether a Number from one interface is greater or equal to the Number from the other. The ge() gear is automatically instantiated when a “>=” operator is used on two interfaces.

ge(a: Number, b: Number)
ge(din: Tuple[Number, Number])

Compare if one value is greater or equal to the other:

a = drv(t=Uint[4], seq=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
b = drv(t=Uint[4], seq=[4, 4, 4, 4, 4])

(a >= b) | check(ref=[False, False, False, True, True])

Bitwise inverts data. The invert() gear is automatically instantiated when a “~” operator is used on an interface.


Bitwise inverts a number:

a = drv(t=Uint[8], seq=[0x01, 0x0f, 0xff])

(~a) | check(ref=[0xfe, 0xf0, 0x00])

Test whether a Number from one interface is less then a Number from the other. The lt() gear is automatically instantiated when a “<” operator is used on two interfaces.

lt(a: Number, b: Number)
lt(din: Tuple[Number, Number])

Compare if one value is greater than the other:

a = drv(t=Uint[4], seq=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
b = drv(t=Uint[4], seq=[4, 4, 4, 4, 4])

(a < b) | check(ref=[True, True, True, False, False])

Test whether a Number from one interface is less than or equal to a Number from the other. The le() lear is automatically instantiated when a “<=” operator is used on two interfaces.

le(a: Number, b: Number)
le(din: Tuple[Number, Number])

Compare if one value is less than or equal to the other:

a = drv(t=Uint[4], seq=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
b = drv(t=Uint[4], seq=[4, 4, 4, 4, 4])

(a <= b) | check(ref=[True, True, True, True, False])

Performs integer modulo operation. The mod() gear is automatically instantiated when a “%” operator is used on two interfaces.

mod(a: Integer, b: Integer)
mod(din: Tuple[Integer, Integer])

Performs integer modulo operation:

a = drv(t=Uint[4], seq=[0, 2, 4, 6, 8])

(a % 3) | check(ref=[0, 2, 1, 0, 2])

Multiplies two Number data received from the input interfaces and outputs the result. The mul() gear is automatically instantiated when a “*” operator is used on two interfaces.

mul(a: Number, b: Number)
mul(din: Tuple[Number, Number])

Adds two numbers together:

a = drv(t=Uint[4], seq=[0, 1, 2])
b = drv(t=Uint[4], seq=[0, 1, 2])

(a * b) | check(ref=[0, 1, 4])

Test whether the data from two interfaces is not equal. The ne() gear is automatically instantiated when a “!=” operator is used on two interfaces.

ne(a, b) → Bool
ne(din: Tuple[Any, Any]) → Bool

Compare if two values are not equal:

a = drv(t=Uint[4], seq=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
b = drv(t=Uint[4], seq=[4, 4, 4, 4, 4])

(a != b) | check(ref=[True, True, True, False, True])

Negates data. The neg() gear is automatically instantiated when unary “-” operator is used on an interface.

neg(a: Number)

Negates a number:

a = drv(t=Uint[4], seq=[0, 7, 15])

(-a) | check(ref=[0, -7, -15])